HGH side effects. How to avoid side effects of HGH?
The second common side effect growth hormone has is carpal tunnel syndrome, finger numbness, pain in fingers and in wrists. This effect will go away after about one month of your cycle.
The syndrome is caused by the compression of the median nerve in a wrist. The median nerve is divided into four nerves that go to four fingers. When it is compressed, the fingers become insensitive and you feel tingling in them.
This side effect of HGH is caused by water retention in wrists and the increase in bone mass. This effect becomes disappears after the carpal ligament becomes wider.
To fight carpal tunnel syndrome, you can use multivitamins and B6 vitamin.
Risks of HGH side effects
Insulin and growth hormone influence glucose metabolism in contrasting ways as insulin transports sugar from the blood to cells, thus decreasing blood glucose level. At the same time, growth hormone makes the body use fat as energy, so the sugar stays in the blood and isn’t used as energy. It leads to the elevated level of sugar and excessive work of the pancreas, which tries to decrease this level. So, because of HGH, the pancreas needs to work more, which results in possible diabetes.
How to prevent the risk of becoming a diabetic?
- First of all, this HGH side effect is dangerous if you are genetically inclined to diabetes.� Look at your relatives and check whether they have problems with the level of glucose. If they do, you are not recommended to take growth hormone.
- Secondly, pass the blood sugar test.� A normal range of blood taken from a finger in 3,3-5,5 mmol/l. If you have the higher level, don’t use growth hormone.
- Do not take HGH for longer than 3-4 months.� This period is relatively safe if we talk about long-term side effects of human growth hormone. You can run longer periods, but only if you take exogenous insulin.
- Taking high dosages, include insulin to your cycle.� When you use more than 10 IU of HGH, you need to inject insulin to prevent diabetes. Also, you can add insulin in lower doses to increase the efficacy of your cycle (Read more about it in HGH for bodybuilding article)
HGH and cancer
Cancer is among the most discussed side effects of growth hormone as people are worried about tumor occurrence, its development and recurrence.
- Cancer initiation. Growth hormone can’t induce cancer by itself. It was proved by PJ Jenkins [7], who claims that “recent surveillance of children and adults treated with GH has revealed no increase in observed cancer risk”. HGH can’t induce cancer because it doesn’t influence defected cells, that are considered to be the reasons of cancer.
- Cancer development.� HGH can accelerate growth and development of tumors that already exist through the mechanism of promoting division of cells, including cancer cells.
- Cancer recurrence� Resent research has shown that growth hormone treatment of children with removed brain tumors doesn’t show higher chances of cancer recurrence that in normal circumstances.
Suppression of the thyroid gland.
This side effect of human growth hormone occurs when dosages are higher than 10-15 IU. In this case, the thyroid gland works very hard and needs help from exogenous hormones.
Mythological HGH side effects
Suppression of endogenous growth caused by the hormone
The myth that injectable HGH causes suppression of endogenous hormone is connected with the suppression effect of steroids on testosterone. However, scientists haven’t found long-term effects on production of own GH. Y. Hashimoto [1] proved that the secretion of growth hormone starts 24-30 hours after the last injection, and the pituitary works just as well as before HGH usage.
Short-term suppression exists, it was even researched by S. M. Rosental, and it is connected with somatostatin, which reacts with the level of IGF-1. Somatostatin blocks HGH secretion when IGF level is high. The level returns to a normal range 20-30 hours after the injection of HGH, and then the body starts to produce its own growth hormone.
HGH gut.
I have already written a big and detailed article about such growth hormone side effects as HGH gut and Palumboism. In short, bloated bellies in bodybuilders are a complex phenomenon, which isn’t caused only by HGH. Growth hormone is a part of a professional anabolic cocktail, which consists of steroids and insulin. In conjunction, these drugs not only give the extreme muscle mass and excessive food consumption but lead to the growth of the stomach.
Growth hormone is a part of a professional anabolic cocktail, which consists of steroids and insulin. In conjunction, these drugs not only give the extreme muscle mass and excessive food consumption but lead to the growth of the stomach.
Also, professional bodybduilders use HGH for very long periods of 6 months and take huge dosages of 15-30 IU, so amateurs who want to try growth hormone don’t have to worry about this side effect.
Problems with libido
The myth that HGH can provoke problems with sexual function is caused by mistaken identification of growth hormone as a steroid. HGH and steroids are completely different and have different effects. Growth hormone doesn’t influence testosterone level and libido.
HGH and hair loss
This myth is the same as the previous. HGH don’t affect testosterone and don’t make you lose hair. Conversely, growth hormone accelerates collagen synthesis, which results in better hair.
Rare side effects of HGH
Redness after injection is a normal immune response to growth hormone. This effect is described in the somatropin package leaflet.
However, these problems can be connected with poor hygiene during injection. So follow these rules to prevent the problem:
- Perform only sterile shots.� Before injection, wash your hands and swab the site with alcohol to kill bacteria.
- Long spikes.� Sometimes redness is caused by a very short needle, so maybe you need a longer one.
- Change injection sites.
If you already have itches, you need to compress them with a gel pack.
Morning fatigue and headache
This problem is rare. Some people describe that they wake up tired when they are on HGH and feel headache. It is probably caused by a low-quality growth hormone, which contains too much bacterial residue. If you are going to use growth hormone, choose only high-quality brands with good reputation. (Read the article about� HGH BRANDS).� If you have a lot of money, you can take growth hormone produced by the pharmacy indusrty: Humatrop, Saizen, Genotropin. If you don’t, buy Chinese high-quality HGH brands: Jintropin, Ansomone and Hygetropin.
You can get them in this shop for great price
JINTROPIN – 280 $ for 100 IUs
ANSOMONE – 260 $ for 100 IUs
Hygetropin – 190 $ for 100 IUs.
Fast 7-9 days EMS shipping (rarely — up to 3 weeks), 30 dollars
Free shipping on orders of 3 kits and more.

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- Satozawa N,Takezawa K, Miwa T – Differences in the effects of 20K- and 22K-hGH on water retention in rats
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- Sklar C A, Mertens AC, Mitby P – Risk of disease recurrence and second neoplasms in survivors of childhood cancer treated with growth hormone: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.