HGH brands. Market overview of popular HGH brands

HGH brands. Market overview of popular HGH brands

Price: 8-20 $/ IU


Origin: (EMD Serono Switzerland

Form: liophylisate powder, solvent for injection and auto-injector pen for multiply injections
HGH brands

Price: 8-22$/IU


Origin: Eli Lilly and Company, USA

Form: liophilisate powder in glass cartridge, solution water, auto-injector pen

Price: 20-25$/IU


Origin: (Novo Nordisk, Denmark)

Form: solvent for injections in glass cartridge and auto-injector pen for multiply injections

Price: 10-23$/ IU

Why Western HGH brands cost so much?

  • Manufacturing cost. In the Western countries, all production expenses, including labor, facilities, building, and license, are higher. It leads to the higher price of the products. However, it isn’t the main reason.
  • People are richer and more ready to pay this price for growth hormone than in other parts of the world. HGH is used mostly to treat GH-deficient children and for anti-aging therapy. These purposes require fewer dosages comparing to bodybuilding and people are ready to pay money for HGH.
  • International pharmaceutical companies use their reputation and rich history to increase the price of HGH brands.
  • The demand on the white market is weak, so companies need to compensate low sales with high price

Pros and cons of the expensive Western HGH brands


  • High purity of somatropin (97-99 %) and excellent quality.
  • Clean reputation.
  • Official production.
  • No fakes if you buy in the pharmacy store.


  • EXTREMELY high price – 10-20 $ for 1 IU. The price makes them unavailable for most bodybuilders.
  • You need a prescription to buy HGH in the pharmacy store.
  • 90% of these HGH brands on the black market are fake.

Chinese HGH brands

Chinese HGH brands can be an alternative to the Western products because they are much cheaper, but the quality is on the same level. The most popular Chinese HGHs are Jitnropin, Hygetropin, and Ansomone. They are officially manufactured in big pharmaceutical factories, so the quality is high.

Also, Chinese HGH brands have anti-counterfeit systems, so the number of their fakes is small even on the black market.

Detailed description

JINTROPIN (since 1998)
Origin: GeneScience Pharmaceuticals, China

Form: lyophilized powder with bacteriostatic solvent and insulin syringes

Price: retail price – 2,5-6 $ IU.

Chinese HGH brands

Chinese HGH brands can be alternative to Western products, because they are much cheaper, but the quality is on the same level. The most popular Chinese HGH are Jitnropin, Hygetropin and Ansomone. They are officialy manufactured on big pharmaceutical factories, so the quality is high.

Also, Chinese HGH brands have Anti-Counterfeit systems, so the number of their fakes is small even on black market.

Detailed description

JINTROPIN (since 1998)
Origin: (GeneScience Pharmaceuticals, China)

Form: liophilisate powder with bacteriostatic solvent and insulin syringes

Price: retail price – 2,5-6 $ IU.

270 $ in our shop

Genuine and fake Jintropin
HGH brands

Because Jintropin is very popular, there are many fake Jintropin in the market. The most common fake is Jintropin with Chinese characters on the kit. Sellers represent it as Jin for domestic usage in China, which was taken away from the country. In most cases, it is a lie, and you get a fake product. The laws that regulate HGH usage are very strict in China, and it is impossible to get HGH if you don’t have a prescription as a GH-deficient person. Also, it is very hard to take growth hormone out of China as it violates the law and causes strict punishments.

So if you buy Jintropin with Chinese characters, you most certainly get a fake kit with underground somatropin of awful quality or peptide inside the vial.

Genuine Jintropin
HGH brands

The only genuine Jintropin available is Jintropin Europharm. This type of Jintropin is produced especially for export and sale to other countries. Now, it is allowed for sale in 7 countries.

The legit kit has Russian letters on it. Also, each kit of Jintropin has a sticker with unique fibers and 17 characters code. You can check it on GenSci website on Anti-Counterfeit page.

You can buy genuine Jintropin in our shop for 270 $

ANSOMONE(since 2005)

Origin: Anhui Anke Biotechnologies, China
HGH brands

Currently, Ansomone is GMP FDA certified somatropin approximately the same quality as Jintropin. Purity is about 96-98 %.

Price – 200-400 $ per 100 IU.

260$ in our shop

Form: liophylisate powder with bacteriostatic solvent and little diamond cutter. Each vial is packed in the little carton box with solvent and instruction paper.

HYGETROPIN(since 2004)

Origin: Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co., China

Purity: 95-96 %
HGH brands

Average market price:  300$ per 100 IUs.

190 $ in our shop

Hygetropin is manufactured by Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm, subsidiary company of the old Shanghai Hygene Biopharm.  In 2015 Hygetropin obtained GMP certificate, so its quality is high and the price is even lower than Ansomone has.


  • Western HGH brands although have high quality, aren’t good choice for bodybuilding because of the high price
  • On the black market most of Western brands are faked
  • Chinese HGH brands are sighnificantly cheaper than American, however, their quality is similar
  • The best choice considering quality and price is Jintropin, Hygetropin and Ansomone

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